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Bible Study Lessons - for All Ages

New Orleans old & new

Creative Bible study lessons come from God's Word and connect with our everyday lives in God's world all around us! 

This photo of New Orleans captures both the old and the new.  It reminds me how God reveals His presence all around us reaching into our past, present and future calling us to seek His face (Psalm 27:8).  Connecting God's Word through His world to our everyday lives reminds us He is near and desires us to know Him.  

Creative Bible study reaches past a moment of sitting and studying; it involves learning to walk through every moment of every day saying - "I spy God!"

Whether you are studying the Bible on your own or teaching children, youth or adults, we hope you find some creative lessons, ideas, and resources here to help!  

Feel free to contact us with your ideas, suggestions or questions through the contact form at the bottom of this page.  I love to hear from our readers!  We also have a newsletter to which you can subscribe to get our updates with free resources; signup is in our sidebar and at the bottom of each page.

Creative Bible Study

God the Potter

Photo credit - Gustavo Fring @ Pexels

Our God is extremely creative - He is our Potter that molds & shapes us. Bible study is a tool for us to know Him!  His Word is filled with creative stories & parables that teach His truth!  God reveals Himself in and through His creation and also through His Word!  Creative Bible lessons are all around us! When I see them in my life I like to call them "Godprints".

It was important to us as Christian parents to instill a love for God and His Word into our four children.  Therefore, we always looked for creative ways that would help them not only learn what the Bible says, but also live it!  We want the Bible to be a window for them to not only see God, but to also know Him.

Being in ministry as a pastor's family, we have had wonderful church families that have walked along side us with great ideas for children's ministry, youth ministry and adult ministries.  From these, as well as, online Christians that share their knowledge and creativity, we have gleaned wonderful resources and free Bible study lessons that we hope will encourage and inspire!

Some Places to Begin:

Jesus is the way
Bible study how to
object lessons
preschool Bible lessons
children ministry
youth ministry
quiet time
adult Bible study
inspirational stories
holiday Bible lessons

Bible Study: Food For our Spirit

Bible like food

Being from Louisiana, everything relates to good food...even Bible study!

Time for Bible study lessons, devotions, and Bible memorization is important. Just as in our daily eating habits there is room for both snacks and full meals; there is also a place for many areas of studying the Bible.

Let's think of Bible devotions as quick snacks meant to give us that burst of spiritual energy, while Bible studies are like sitting down to a leisurely four-course meal. (Does anyone really eat more than a one-course meal anymore? We're so busy that we lay it all out at once!)


In days of old, they knew how to savor and enjoy. That's what we desire to experience in the time we feast upon God's Word. Let's take time for both; feeding on Scripture is one area we do NOT need to diet! Let variety be the spice of our Bible study, and let's feast on all that God has for us in His presence!

We hope to provide you with access to enough free Bible study lessons, Christian resources, and fresh, new ideas that you will be able to understand and communicate the truth of Scripture in your home, your church, and as you walk through each day.

We have tried to collect the best from all over the web: free Youth Bible studies, Children's Bible lessons, Preschool Bible lessons and Bible object lessons for all ages and more!

Personal Bible Study Tips

Bible study

You may be new to studying God's Word and looking for how to begin studying the Bible, or you may be a seasoned Bible teacher looking for a fresh breath of inspiration.  We have found some wonderful free Bible lessons and Christian devotions that can assist you in daily delving deeper into Scripture!  And let's not forget to invest in a creative prayer life communing with our Father!

Free Bible Study for the Family

Family Time

I guess my true heart for wanting to share free Bible study lessons and ideas is my love for family.  There is nothing more important that we can teach our children than the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how much God loves each of us!  Sports, academics, music abilities, and so many other things are great...but none of those will give them life abundant and life eternally.

The Bible encourages us as families over and over to teach God's Truth to our children.  A couple of my favorite Bible verses that speak of this are:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

"Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.  These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

Deuteronomy 29:29

"The hidden things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and our children forever, so that we may follow all the words of this law."

Children's Ministry & Bible Lessons

Sunday school lessons

Statistics now say that if we don't reach our children with the Gospel of Christ by the age of thirteen, chances of them seeking to know Jesus are slim to none; how tragic!

Whether you are a parent/grandparent, children's minister/worker, Sunday school/Christian teacher, creative free Bible lessons for kids and resources abound!  We have always enjoyed using everyday Bible object lessons and children's picture books as creative ways to teach our kids about God too!

Youth Ministry & Bible Study Lessons

youth prayer

Having now raised four teenagers (our youngest will be leaving her teens in a few months!) and also taught teen Sunday school classes and Bible classes at youth camps, I've done a lot of searching and collecting of creative Bible study lessons for youth and other ideas.  Youth ministers are wonderful about sharing their creativity and inspiration!

Creative Bible Study Extras

Vacation Bible School

We continuously search the web for the best free Christian ministry ideas and collect them in one easy location for you, while also adding our own original lessons and ideas too!

We also have included recommendations for other Bible study helps & tools to use as you grow and share God's Word such as Christian books, children's books that teach Bible lessons, witnessing techniques and Christian websites.

Have you ever heard that "variety is the spice of life?"   Variety can bring a newness and freshness in our time with God!

If you'd like to purchase Bible study lessons, devotional books or any of the other products mentioned on our site, we suggest using They have great prices and will ship products right to your doorstep; they are also owned and operated by fellow Christians. Try them out here: Home

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Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but are unable to peruse them completely. We try to check others' faith statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and salvation is found only in Him. It must, however, be your responsibility to personally dig into God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be your first and final teacher on all subjects.

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