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This new Christian game is called "Bible Animals - Click, Clack, Match".
Whether you're looking for a game for fun or a creative way to teach or review Bible stories, this game has a lot to offer!
What a fun, unique new Christian game! Each player is given three cards with various point levels and dice that become animal place keepers. When it's their turn, they roll five dice and try to fill up the cards with matching animals. If a card is full, they receive the number of points printed on that card and draw another new card so they always have three in front of them.
This game reminds me of a simpler version of Yahtzee while connecting players to various Bible stories through these five animals: sheep, fish, dove, lion and cow. There is also a sad face on each die you don't want to get three of at a time!
The directions sheet includes references for a Bible story for each animal. An additional challenge for older kids would be to remember more!
Dove: Matthew 3:13-17 - Jesus' Baptism
Sheep: Luke 15:1-7 - Parable of the Lost Sheep
Cow: Genesis 41:1-43 - Joseph's Dream
Fish: John 6:1-15 - Feeding the 5,000
Lion: Daniel 6 - Daniel in the Lion's Den
The actual game has an age level of 6+, but these cards have so many uses for younger children too besides just being a game!
Younger children would have a fun time locating and matching these Christian game cards in different ways while learning additional skills such as counting, animals, vocabulary, patterns and stories about God!
Three cards are laid face up in the middle. For each turn a player rolls five dice. They can choose one card to place any dice that match. Whomever places the last die on a card, earns the number of points printed on that card and another card is added from the draw pile to keep three cards face up for players to fill.
Below is a video demonstration of this Christian game with more details.
Included in the Christian game box are:
Each die has the following on one of its six sides: fish, dove, sheep, cow, lion and sad face.
Each card has a different variation and number of animals. Points for each card vary by the difficulty of the match; a card may be worth 5, 10, 15 or 20 points.
EMOJI BIBLE STORIES is a new Christian game created and sold by BibleGamesCentral with a purchase price of $19.95. What a great Christmas gift for that special child or your child's Sunday school class or ministry group!
Bible Games Central sent me a free game to review, but I do not receive any monetary compensation; for this reason, I am able to share my honest opinion.
I do love to get to review their Christian games because they are super creative in developing quality, fun games which will draw kids in to know more about Jesus and the Bible. These aren't games you are likely to find on the shelf of your local store or on Amazon; so it is my pleasure to get to introduce you to them!
Check out this other Christian game they offer that teaches about missions!
As Christmas roles our way, I'll be reviewing a few more of their games in the near future!
They also provide many free Bible game ideas on their site including several for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons! Check them out -
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