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Object Lessons for Preschoolers - Forgiveness

Photo by Silvia Trigo from Pexels

Jesus often taught with parables.  Bible object lessons are similar in that they take an earthly object like a sponge, penny or mirror and use it to teach a spiritual lesson like how we can know God is near even though we can't see Him.

Toddlers and preschoolers are like little sponges ready to soak up learning from their environments.  Why not connect God's world around them with God's Word to help them be able to say - "I spy God!"

Object Lessons #3 - Made New!

Lesson Title:  Made New!

Object:  Mirror

Bible Verses:  Genesis 1:27, 2 Corinthians 5:17

Main Point:   Help preschoolers understand sin has messed up how we look to God; only God can forgive and clean us so we look new again.

"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."

Genesis 1:27

If anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new!

2 Corinthians 5:17


Show preschoolers a clean mirror.  Let each one look at themselves in the mirror as you ask them - "Who do you see?"  Take time to make silly faces in the mirror.


Explain that a mirror can show us what we look like. It shows our reflection.

In the beginning God created us to be His reflection.  We were made to look and be like God.

Take some finger paint or pudding and rub it all over the mirror until they can't see themselves.  Ask if that was a good thing or a bad thing to do.  

It made our mirror not able to reflect; we can no longer see ourselves in it. That's not a very good thing. 

In the Bible there is something called "sin."   Rubbing the paint on the mirror made it where we can't see ourselves in it anymore.  Sin or the bad things we do or say makes it where God can't see Himself in us either.  It messed up our purpose or what we were made to do.

Ask them to see if they can clean the mirror with their own finger.  We can't clean ourselves. 

Spray water on the mirror (you may even want to write JESUS on your bottle).  Tell them that only God can clean us up and make us new.  This is called forgiveness. 

Jesus came to earth to live a perfect life never doing or saying anything bad so He could die on a cross so we could have this forgiveness.

Read 1 John 1:9 -  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Have the kids help you clean the mirror while repeating, "God can make me new!"


Key Take-away:  God can forgive me and make me clean and new!

Memory verse:  Help children practice learning all or at least the first part of 2 Corinthians 5:17 - "If anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new."  Or if they are able - learn 1 John 1:9 as a wonderful promise of God's forgiveness.

Object Lessons Activities

Write "God can make me new!" at the top of a sheet of construction paper.  Help kids glue a piece of aluminum foil on the paper.  Have them look at their reflection and repeat - "God can make me new!"

© Copyright 2019 Susan Smart

More simple & fun Bible object lessons for preschoolers - including a Skittles experiment!

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