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Creative Ideas for Prayer Meetings

Creative ideas for prayer meetings help engage people in prayer whether it's a church group or family or special event.  Prayer is vital communication with our heavenly Father and essential to sound Bible Study.

Recently we had a request for creative ideas to help "liven up" weekly prayer meetings.

Following are some ideas for prayer meetings we shared, but we would also like to ask you, our readers, to send in your own ideas to share.

Just fill out a contact form under the "Contact Us" tab. Also, let us know if you give us permission to post them on our site to share. Thanks!

Photo by Luis Quintero @ Pexels

Of course these are not to take away from the main reason for prayer meetings - PRAYER, but they are to help stimulate and enhance our times together in prayer.

The essence of prayer is to share our hearts with our Heavenly Father. I hope these ideas will help refresh our hearts to do just that.

Two quotes that Jeff (my husband) used recently in one of his sermons were:

"When you pray it would be better to let your heart be without words, than to let your words be without heart."

- John Bunyan

"The prayer of the heart is the heart of prayer."

-Charles Spurgeon

Simple Ideas for Prayer Meetings

A few simple ideas for prayer meetings my husband has used that keep prayer meeting short, but add excitement are:

  • Music - He begins with singing to bring us into a time of worship - usually a simple chorus that puts our focus on praise.  Background music may also be used during the time of prayer.
  • Praise prayers - A time of simple sentence prayer open for anyone to voice a sentence prayer of praise; the key is that the focus is on praise and thanksgiving. We have intercessory prayer a little later.
  • Encouragement - Another important part is a short time of encouragement since we all need it in the middle of a busy week. He'll say find three or four people that are "wearing the same color as you," or that "have the same hair color," etc. and encourage them - at least tell them they "smell good!" :) We also have a time of intercession for others and a short Bible study. The variety keeps it up-beat.
  • Bible Trivia - Many times he includes a few Bible trivia questions at the bottom of the prayer list sheet. Our church family really enjoys the challenge and chance to refresh some tidbits of Bible knowledge.

Prayer Meeting Themes

Themes make for fun ideas for prayer meetings!  Try these:

  • "Color theme"- Ask people to think of something to praise God for that is the color of something they are wearing - ex: blue - give thanks for beautiful sky, birds, the eyes of my child, etc. It challenges us to think of things that we may otherwise take for granted and it helps draw people into participation. Remind them they can do this everyday in the midst of their busy lives.
  • "Countries theme"- each week highlight a different country and make a point to pray for specific missionaries stationed there. Have a map displayed and give a few interesting facts about the country.
  • "Photo or picture theme" - Many of us are visual; have people bring a photo or picture of those they would like to pray for - even if it is a magazine picture - soldiers for instance. During a quiet time of prayer, pass the pictures as each member prays over them. Prayer needs can be written or attached to the back of pictures.

MIx it up Group Prayers

Have everyone divide into groups by the months in which they were born or other criteria. Give each group a list of the prayer needs; they can also voice others within their group. Give them the option of opening up for anyone to pray, have a few volunteers to pray, or designate a leader to voice the prayers. Also, challenge them to continue praying for those within their birthday group during the next week.

Grab Bag Prayers

Submitted by one of our readers; thanks, Pastor Joe!

One idea I am using in our prayer meetings is place various items in a large fabric bag (paper of plastic will do)and allow people to put their hands inside and take the first thing they touch. Then they are to find a partner and pray for the person, place or thing that item represents.

Examples: Handcuffs - Those incarcerated Band Aid - Those physically hurt/sick Gavel - Law makers Small toy globe or folded world map - Missionaries (You can circle a specific country Star - Hollywood Stars Apple - Teachers

Be extra creative and place small toy/items found around the home, church or at a dollar store and ask people to pray for whatever the item reminds them of.

Bible Object Lessons

Brief object lesson ideas for prayer meetings will remind them during the week of the teachings when they see the everyday objects. Ex: Cell phone - we can call God from anywhere, at anytime. These sound so simple, but we all need little reminders during the busy chaos of life.


Everyone loves a treat! Pass out pieces of gum and challenge them to stick with prayer even when it seems God isn't answering; sometimes He wants to work in us while we wait!

Or pass out individually wrapped lifesavers and tell them they are lifesavers as they are praying for the needs of others and salvation of the lost.

Another is salted pretzels to remind us we are to be like salt to those around flavoring life for Christ or offering prayer for healing.

More creative ideas for prayer meetings may be found on our Creative Prayer Page or our Prayer Pinterest Board.

As we've said on our site - variety is the spice of life, Bible study, & even prayer meetings!  I hope these ideas for prayer meetings help a little. If nothing else, maybe they will spark an idea in you.

Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but are unable to peruse them completely. We try to check others' faith statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and salvation is found only in Him. It must, however, be your responsibility to personally dig into God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be your first and final teacher on all subjects.

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