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Creative Bible Tidbits, Issue #003 - A Bible Reading Plan for a New Year!
January 07, 2015

It seems the New Year brings about a lot of plans and hopes. This year let’s make sure to include a plan to read God’s Word as part of each day of this new year!

Use the acronym of S.O.A.P. (from Wayne Cordeiro) to help have a structured quiet time with the LORD.

S – Scripture

O – Observations

A – Application

P – Prayer

Begin with reading God’s Word while jotting down things the Holy Spirit brings out for you. Think about how it can be applied to your life to live it out. Make sure to ask God to help you carry out and obey His Word while drawing you closer to Himself and making you more like Jesus every day.

Read Through the Bible in a Year!

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to commit to reading through the whole Bible! Although one way to read through the Bible is from cover to cover (many of us getting stuck in Leviticus), there are many other ways.

This year I am choosing to read through it Chronologically using a Bible reading plan on my YouVersion Bible App on my phone. The “beginning” not only includes Genesis, but also Psalms that speak of creation and of course John 1 – “In the beginning”!

Our church this year has been challenged to read through different parts of the Bible each day – Sunday – the Epistles, Monday – the Law, Tuesday – History, Wednesday – Psalms, Thursday – Poetry, Friday – Prophecy, Saturday – Gospels.

This keeps each day fresh and different.

Other Bible reading plans include reading a portion of the Old Testament and New Testament each day or start by studying a certain book or Bible character.

Although the plans may vary, God will speak through His Word!

We pray you, your personal family, and your church family have a New Year filled with God's Word and His presence!

Sincerely in Christ,

Susan <><

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