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Creative Bible Tidbits, Issue #33 - Free Bible Lesson for Kids on Esther
May 29, 2020

We Can Trust God's Plan

From Orphan to Queen to Heroine

This lesson begins with making an easy Origami crown (video included), but don't tell them what they are making! As they follow your step-by-step instructions, they must trust you without knowing the end result. This process is used in the Bible lesson to show how we can trust God step by step even when we don't know His plans.

This introduces the Bible lesson on Esther and how she trusted God's plan - even the unknown, even the scary. God used an orphan to become a queen and rescue his people.

Points emphasized include:

1 - God uses ordinary people like an orphan named Haddasah in extrordinary ways when they trust Him.

2-God has plans for each of our lives; the ultimate plan is for us to become His children through trusting Jesus as our Savior and Lord. When we do, we become princes and princesses because we become children of the One True King - Jesus!

3-We can trust God and follow His leading us even when we don't know the plans He has for us. Just like with the Origami crown; you didn't know what we were making, but trusted me to lead you with the correct directions to get us there.

The full Bible lesson with video and extra activities can be found at Orphan to Queen - A Bible Lesson on Esther

Thanks for continuing to subscribe! We hope you find this useful; please let us know if you have suggestions on resources we can add!

Sincerely in Christ,

Susan <><

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